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Accessibility features
Normail item Troop world Status system
 Myster Box:  Automatically receive the treasure chest
 Affair Mission:  Automatic execution of internal tasks
 Al Mission:  Automatically perform coalition tasks
 VIP Mission:  Automatic VIP task rewards
 Al Help:  Automatic alliance help
 Al Gift:  Automatically receive affiliate rewards
 Indemnify:  Automatically donate alliance supplies
 Arenn:  Automatic execution of arena tasks
 Hero Equip:  Automatic hero wear equipment
 Hero Enhance:  Automatic hero upgrade
 Hero Evolution:  Automatic hero evolution
 Manor Mission:  Automatically claim territory rewards
 Alchenmy:  Automatically complete the gold chain task
 Daily gift:  Automatically receive daily gifts
 Month prize:  Automatically receive rewards
 Blackmarket:  Automatic purchase of black market
Academy: Automatic R&D Technology.
Automatically upgrade building settings,If there is no upgrade or the level of demand is too high,Temporarily uncheck first
Press the arrow up or down to adjust the sort
Hero Adventure :Automatically perform hero tasks .
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